Saturday, May 31, 2008


I love Chuck Todd. In a "talk-dirty-politics-to-me-baby" kind of way. Oh that goatee. Never shave it, never. Promise me.

Frankly the man needs his own show, if only for the general election. Really, the man has a brain to die for. He rattles numbers off his head like no ones business. He can take all the numbers, the theory, the talk, the spin, all the crazy that is this Democratic primary and turn it into something understandable. Plus, his not bad to look at!

I have recently found out that I am not the only one with a mildly crazed obsession with Chuck Todd. In fact, some one has a whole blog set up to honor our leader of political clarity. So, with this I wanted to give a shout out to "Viva Chuck Todd". If you know and love Chuck Todd, you HAVE TO check this site out. If you don't know Chuck Todd, you are missing out.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

In the beginning...

There once was a beautiful young wife and mother. She had a darling and wonderful husband and a smart and funny little girl.

One day husband received a fantastic opportunity for work but it would require the family to move far, far away. The family was excited about the job but, saddened that they would have to leave their home.

Now, the wife and mother must start fresh in a new town. However will she fill her days.